Know Your Ingredients and Tools

Knives — Commitment to Cooking

One of the most important kitchen tools a good cook can invest in is a good-quality set of knives. Despite the misnomer that sharp knives are dangerous, and in the wrong hands they can be, the truth is dull knives are more likely to cause serious injury than ones that are sharpened properly.

Here are some other good tips to keep you safe in the kitchen and enhance your cooking experience. Many thanks to The Professional Chef for this great kitchen wisdom.

  1. Handle knives with respect. Knives can be damaged if they are handled carelessly. Good quality knives are expensive tools so keep this in mind when deciding which tools are best for you.
  2. Keep knives sharp. A sharp knife will not only perform better but it is safer to use, because less pressure is required to cut through the food. When too much pressure is exerted, there is a good possibility of the knife slipping and causing injury to the user.
  3. Keep knives clean. Be sure to clean your knives thoroughly after each use. Sanitize the entire knife, including the handle, bolster and blade to avoid cross-contamination of food. Keeping knives clean will also help to extend the life of your knives.
  4. Use safe handling procedures for knives. When passing a knife to another person, lay the knife down on the counter and pass, handle first, toward the person. When carrying a knife around in the kitchen, be sure to keep the knife pointing down and alert anyone who might be in the kitchen that you are passing them with a knife. When placing a knife down on the work surface, make sure that no part of the knife extends past the work surface.
  5. Use the proper cutting surface. Cutting directly on metal, glass or marble surfaces will dull and eventually damage the blade. Opt for wooden or composition cutting boards. The new plastic cutting boards are also okay to use.
  6. Keep knives properly stored. Use storage specifically designed for putting away your knives. Slots, racks, and magnetized holders are all good ways to put away knives when they are not in use. A special drawer lined with cloth of vinyl can also be used.