Letter from the editor

Change is very rarely welcome, but it is almost always necessary!

I was speaking with a friend recently who had finally left a position that she had held for many years. I had lived with her through the numerous challenges and watched as she endured what the average person would never have had the fortitude to withstand. What was interesting was, although she is now in a better place, for some reason she misses the dysfunction of where she spent many years of her life.

So what is my point? It is that most of us resist change; even when that change is for our good. It is amazing how we allow ourselves to become comfortable even in situations simply because staying with the familiar is easier than dealing with the unknown.

The truth is human beings were made for change. Everything around us is in a constant state of evolving and in order to live abundantly and in harmony with the world, we must do what is natural and change with it.

The past few months have placed me in a state of influx or change and there were times when I could barely keep up. I am looking forward to what lies ahead knowing that although the scenery is about to change dramatically from what I am accustomed to, it is something that I have been in preparation for a very long time. I have spent the past few years rebuilding a life that was thrown completely out of control, but through a willingness to explore new ideas and opportunities, I will at last reap the rewards that could only have happened through change.

Recipes for Good Living Magazine was the beginning of that rebuilding and it has been one of the most challenging and yet rewarding experiences of my life. Through publishing this magazine I have come to understand what it means to practice, on a very large and public stage, what I “preach” to a watchful readership each month. In so many ways it has challenged me to be my best self and by doing , model what I wish for each of you. Good living is not a fad, but rather it is a lifestyle of stretching oneself in body, mind and spirit to live as we should be; abundant and at peace.

As we enter into the fall season where change is all around us, I would like to challenge you to open your hearts and minds and resist the urge to shy away from change. Think about it, the only way to ever know what wonderful things await you around the bend is to have the courage to take the uncertain steps to lead you there.

Here’s wishing for you and yours and wonderful season of change and all the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead.

